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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thankful Thursday- Best Friends

This week I am thankful for my 2 best friends. CM and I have been friends since the birth of our daughters over 13 years ago. For several years Pooh Bear that of CM, children as your siblings. She started to refer to CM as her "Fairy Godmother" and the name has stuck.
Seven years ago the family moved to Kansas City. Yes I still talk to CM at least 2-4 times a week. I know she will be there for me, not necessarily in person but always in prayer.

M&M and I met when we adopted Boo. Their family adopted Boo's biological brother. M&M and her husband became the "fairy godparents" (see it really did stick) to Boo. We now live just 25 minutes from each other. With 2 families of 5 kids, a working mom , and homeschooling mom, we do not see each other like we wish we could. But each year on our birthdays we go out, not anything fancy or a big party girl night just 2 friends going to the movie, or getting our nails done then a quite dinner.

Both of these ladies are like my sisters. We may disagree from time to time, but we are always there for each other. They are my sounding board when The Man of the House is not here. They support me, give advice, understand, cry with me, laugh with and at me. I love you both dearly!

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