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Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday's Book Review

I am making a deal with Pooh Bear. She and I are going to start reading more classics. As a homeschooling mom, I must admit that my reading list is not very extensive when it comes to the classics. Do not get me wrong I love to read, but what I read is more romance and mystery, written by contemporary authors. Pooh has gotten in the the vampire love stories. (I admit, I am a total Twilight mom and that is what has gotten her interested.)

I have decided to undertake the challenge of reading more classics. (No, War and Peace is not on the top of the list.) We are going to start out slow. Pooh has read Dracula. I encouraged it as a way to show her how the genre started. I gave her the illustrated children's classic book, knowing it was below her level, hoping she would feel accomplishment of reading it. She was not at all interested she told me, yet spent 2 days straight every spare minute reading the book and finished it. She still proclaimed she did not like it. Who knows what goes through the mind of a 13 year old girl.

Mondays I plan to post a book review of something we have either read for our school lessons or something I have read. My goal is to read a classic and post my thoughts on it once a month.

I am going to start with one of my favorite authors, Julie Garwood. I read The Gift, when I was 16 and fell in love with her writing style. I have not lost my enchantment with her writing. I love to read stories about Victorian England and the Highlands of Scotland. When Ms. Garwood moved on to the old west with For the Roses. I was unsure but fell in love with them as well. When she went to contemporary, with Heartbreaker I was unsure once again. Again she hit a home run!

One of the things I love is that her characters from her Victorian era and Highlands era are the ancestors of the contemporary characters. Several of her books are linked by the characters of a family. As you meet the families of the characters they become the main characters in the next book. From that you still get to see how the first characters are still developing. Kind of gives you the feel that you are reading their continuing story.

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