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Monday, August 3, 2009

Rain Drop Dinner Adventures

Well for the past few weeks I have been having the kids help me with dinner. They each take two days a week. One day they get to pick what we have and the other day Mommy and Daddy pick. We are now trying to expand our dinner selections.

I thought it might be interesting to someone out there (not really sure who) to record some of our recipes and the reactions from the family.

Tonight we had meatloaf stuffed bell peppers, garlic new patatoes, baby sugar snap peas and corn. I am going to toot my own horn here it was great. I am so full I hurt.

I saw a sow of food network a few days ago that did the meatloaf stuffed in bell peppers I kind of changed it up a bit and made Stephen's favorite recipe.

Meatlaof stuffed bell peppers
ground beaf
minced onion
garlic cloves
Italian seasoning
bell pepper rings

Garlic new potatoes
chopped new potates
galric cloves

I did a can of corn and frozen baby snow peas.

Stephen loved it. Jessie really loved the meatloaf minus the bell pepper and Ashlyn ate enought to get her cresant roll. Aaron actuall tried a crumb of a potato. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

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